Inspiration? Where does it come from?

We have heard a lot about inspiration, but … Where does it come from? How do you inspirationacquire it?As designers we know that inspiration in interior design is the result of knowledge, experience, creativity, but chiefly sensitivity. Sensitivity?  Yes, not just learned to apply criteria of academia, or follow fads imposed by the environment, but to put all our senses so receptive to understand what our customer wants.But … what does our client want?When we want to make a gift to a friend will we ask what he wants? No, we know what he wants because we know him. That is all. Arriving at a place we usually observe, listen and understand what is behind a space, a shelf in a clothing store, or a sofa in a family room. We understand that the environment speaks for itself, and what we do as designers is to teach it to speak the language that our customer wants.That is why we wanted to dedicate our first post to the main dilemma in the field of design. We know that a good idea does not come from nowhere, and that moments of inspiration are usually the result of a long session of observation and analysis that makes our mind consciously or unconsciously.
From now on, do not try to find inspiration in remote places; good ideas are always in front of us.

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